The Star Valley High School Class of 1953 60 Year Reunion!
Still a great looking bunch!!....Click to Enlarge.
50th Reunion Photos
55th Reunion Photos
62nd Reunion Photos
Departed Classmates
List of those who attended the 60th reunion on August 4th......
Joyce Adams
Deloyd Anderson
Terry Bagley
Mary Lou Bateman
Lynn Brown
Myrna Brown
Shirley Brown
Janean Call
Eldon Cazier
Zane Clark
Nolan Draney
Joyce Draney
Arden Draney
Jerry Draney
Vada Draney
Blair Erickson
Alice Erickson
Marge Gardener
Val Dee Heap
Gloy Heap
Norma Hinck
Don Holdaway
Kent Hoops
Ron Holdaway
Kendell Hyde
Veldon Izatt
Colleen Jasperson
Jack Jensen
Nola Lemmon
Blanche Linford
Laura Meldrum
Elwyn Merritt
LaVere Merritt
Lou Miles
Alma Moser
Bonnie Nebeker
Josie Nield
Hyrum Olsen
Don L Robinson
Deona Roberts
Rex Spackman
Rebecca Stumpp
John Stumpp
Keith Swenson
Wendle Turner
LaDon VanNoy
Betty Waring
Daulton Warren
Garth Wilkes